Activity Levels & Exercise
If your goal is to lose fat / weight then combining improved nutrition with increased activity levels is a super effective way to maximise your results, who doesn’t want that! After you have made the decision to change and exercise more the hardest part is starting because going from 0 to 1 is daunting, you aren’t sure where to start, what you should do and how much you should do. So, let’s break it down The key point to any training program is that it needs to be specific to your goal. No matter what your goal is, your program should reflect it. But you should consider a combination of the follow - Resistance training Resistance training can be lifting weights, banded workouts, kettlebells basically any workout that you do the workout against a form of resistance. This is a great way to increase your strength and change your body composition (how your body looks) along with increasing your confidence. Now, when you are setting up your training progr...